Saturday, November 26, 2011

Look on the bright side...

Sometimes when we feel our good-will waning, it's important to look on the bright side of life.

Have we our health? Can we walk? Better still, can we dance/ talk/ laugh/ have we the ability to look on the bright side of life and count our blessings.

We may have a list of all the things that didn't work, yet more importantly, have we a list of all the things that have worked and do work?

Life is full of surprises and invitations. What a wonderful opportunity we have to embrace each day and make the best of it.

How? Simply look on the bright side of life!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Love one another!

The commandment to love one another is both encouraging and almost impossible.

Each one of us has likes and dislikes; people we feel a natural infinity for, and those we don't...

God knows our human weaknesses, even more so than we do ourselves, yet He also knows that we are made in His image and likeness.

We can do all things in Him who strengthens us, provided we believe that we can do so.

Nothing can prevent us from loving.

Believe we can, and we can!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Give of one's best.

It dawned on me today that we can give a little, or give a lot. The choice is ours.

When we read the lives of the saints and look at their approach to love, they believed in giving whole-heartily.

St. Teresa of Avila took a vow to always do the most perfect thing, whatever that might be.

She believed in giving of her best. Nothing but her best was good enough.

So, there's a high standard for all of us who might find it hard to be a total giver.

Love is all embracing and would ask us to always give of our best.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today is a friend's birthday, the big 60 and she is happy with many cards and presents.

This got me thinking about life, the gift of life and how important it is to celebrate life.

Perhaps most of our days are spent in doing the ordinary, everyday things, yet each day is special, a gift from God.

This is why a huge thank you is due to our Creator for keeping us alive and well.

We are all gifted people, some gifts we may not even know we have, so it's important to dig deep into our souls and discover how gracious God is and how gifted we are.

When you think about it, we have a lot to celebrate!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Today is special, the 11th of 11th month of year 2011.

It occurred to me that being special is all to do with how we value something.

When I value my ability to do something, then it is special.

When I value friendship, then it becomes special for me.

Such power we have, to make whatever we value special.

This is a good time to value the gift of Faith, then this precious gift will always be special for us.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Generous YES

It's such a little word and yet can mean so much to say YES.

Of course there are times when we must state how we are and face our own short-comings and weaknesses. This is good and honest.

God does not weigh us down. Whenever we have a challenge, He provides us with the grace to do what is expected of us.

Most times, it's not our weakness, it's our pride that doesn't allow us to give a generous YES.

We may be asked to help with a job that does not appeal to us, or share our time with someone we find challenging...

Whatever it might be, all we need to do is pray and remind ourselves that we have grace to deal with all that is God's Will for us.

In fact, that's all that is asked of us, to do God's Will with a cheerful heart, glad to have the privilage of serving Love.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy to be me.

Most people, if not all of us, want to be happy. This blissful feeling of contentment, of happiness, is superior to all the wealth in the world.

Of course we may have desires/ things we want to do/ places we want to go to etc. This is all part of being human and helps towards being happy.

Perhaps the secret of happiness is not such a great secret after all. As soon as we are willing to care for another person,we have stepped on the road to happiness big-time!

Simply put, the secret of happiness is found in loving. Let's reach out and discover this mystical world of love.

Friday, November 4, 2011


To be of a creative mind depends on how open one is to change.
We may all like to be a creative person, yet there is a price to pay for any and all gifts one might possess.
For example, to be a creative writer then one has a need to write, not just now and then, but each day.
How consistant we are will determine how good we will be at our craft.
Tomorrow, Saturday 5th November is special for me because I will run another Creative Writing Workshop here in SOL Studio.
I'm a bit nervous and excited too.
The best way to be good at what we do is to share it with others.
So, let me encourage all to be of a creative mind.