Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rest in Me!

Whenever we are troubled and unable to see a solution to what may be troubling us, all we have to do is pray; open our hearts to God and He will guide us.

There is always a answer. We may not have it, yet we believe and know in our hearts that God is with us.

'Come to Me, all you who are burdened and I will give you rest.'

Rest in Me!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The human mind is so complex and yet so simple.

We are created to love and are fulfilled in loving, therefore it's a wonderful thing to reach out to each other in a caring and loving way.

Sometimes all we can do is send a greeting / give a smile / a listening ear etc.

Then again we may be asked to love greatly, even at a cost to ourselves. This is where we prove our love for each other and practise our faith.

God loves a generous, willing giver.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Keep it Simple

In our relationship with God we can become confused, or misguided.

We want to be wholehearted in our beliefs, to have strong faith, yet scruples and worries can get in the way.

God will guide us, encourage us, even prod us at times, yet He will never discourage us.

This is the beauty of love, and He who is Love, that we are always encouraged to be happy and to enjoy life.

If and when discouragement sets in, then we can be sure it is not the work of God.

A Friend will always help with positive ways to become a more wholesome person.

Let's keep it simple and listen to the gentle, encouraging Voice of God.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Value of Weakness

We are all prone to weakness. Even our best efforts will fail at times. This is actually a positive rather than a negative experience, yet the emotional effect of failing can linger and cause us to feel bad about ourselves and our endeavours.

The value of weakness is found in the efforts we make to overcome our feelings and make progress in loving; loving to be just who we are, warts and all.

And when we are weak, we are also strong. A paradox that comes about through using our faith and believing that all is good.

God does not makes mistakes. Who we are is our gift from Him.

When we love weakness, we learn to see God's love in all that is.