Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Be Honest

The ability to be honest, to say what we mean and to mean what we say is not easy.

We may be programmed to be a nice person, someone who doesn't want to hurt or upset another person. This is good, yet may well be wrong if and when the truth is in jeopardy.

Truth is the core of each person's persona; who we truly are. Whatever we say or do may not be the real 'us'. We may hide behind a facade of 'niceness', a person who is liked by others and is known to be a likeable person.

Our core / our spiritual being cannot be fooled. Only when we are truly honest with ourselves, and others, will be be free to be the person God created us to be.

"The TRUTH will set us free."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We all need to celebrate, sometimes more than others.
It comes naturally to celebrate success / when things go right for us.
Yet, perhaps we need to celebrate when things don't go right for us / when we fail or have failure thrust upon us.
In a spiritual sense, there is no such thing as failure. It's just a learning curve, a way to develop and grow in maturity and good common-sense.

Wisdom is borne of pain, so they say.

A celebration helps us to relax and learn what life is teaching us.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Gentle Person

To be a gentle person requires discipline with ourselves. This helps us to have an awareness of other people and their needs.

The person who is gentle is open and willing to change when change is needed.

A good role-model is always welcome, and for those of us with a little faith, we have the best Role-Model in the whole world, Jesus Christ!

The life of Christ is all about gentleness and compassion for the needs of others. The stories in the Gospel tell us only a fraction of this wonderful Redeemer.

This Gentle Person is our guide through life.