Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's all about belief!

Our whole lives are based on our belief system. Even in the Medical world we are told that people who have a strong belief recover more quickly.

This positive belief is part of our whole lives. Take for example the student who knows they have to study and are daunted by the work-load, yet if they can believe in the value of learning and sticking with the job in hand, then they will be winners!

We are all students of life. Our aim is to better ourselves and grow as a loving, productive person.

Believe we can be better, more positive / more loving / happy people!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


To be happy in this interesting and challenging world of ours, there is a need to reach out to others.
We all like our space / our time out / our privacy, and well we might. Yet we are surrounded by people. People who have needs, just like ourselves.

We are not asked to play God. He well knows how to do His job. However, we are prompted to respond to His inspirations,
Do I? Am I able? Good questions to ask.

This precious world of ours rotates on Love!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Be at peace

Our lives can be busy in many ways. We may have a 'wish' list, things we would so like to do etc.

This is healthy and positive, to be busy and active. Yet, how we are, rather than what we do, is more important.

This is where our peace of mind steps in. A good examination of conscience will help us to focus on how we are.

Are we happy? Are we open to doing God's Will in our daily life?

Are we at peace?

Peace of mind is a good indicator of just how we are. Our regard for our peace will help us to face whatever is disturbing us or not quite right in our lives.

Be at peace!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Change for the better.

Change happens, whether we like it or not.

It can be a good thing to have regular routines, ways we have to insure our life is smooth and productive.

It's also good to face change, head-on. The world we live in is changing, and we too are moving on, hopefully to a better future.

That's why it's such a positive step to embrace change.

Our bodies grow older, yet hopefully our mentality grows younger, more able to see the beauty of change.

Each day invites us to be a better, more loving person. Do we see the invitation and embrace it?

God loves us, more than we can imagine. Our potential to return that love is endless. Opportunities come with people and places etc.

Am I ready, ready to change?

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In a busy world, to care and be aware of others is a wonderful thing.

We all know how much it can mean when someone cares enough to think about us, write to us, call us, pray for us.

Little things can mean so much and yet may not be so little when it comes to love.

To give someone a cup of water when they are thirsty could mean the difference between life and death.

Perhaps we don't meet these extremes in our daily life, yet a kind word can give 'life' to one who is thirsty for love.

When we are focused on loving, then even the smallest gesture is of great importance.

Love a little!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Whatever happens to us, it's good to know that we are being invited to love.

Of course, we have our own ideas of how to love and how love should be presented, yet be patient. God has special ways of helping us to grow in love.

Often, disappointments or even failure can lend more to love than obvious success.

Whatever God dictates is always best for us. Trust in His Love for us.