Saturday, April 23, 2011


In a world of turmoil and discontent, it's a huge thing to celebrate and enjoy the happy times that come our way.
Easter is such a special time. Christ was crucified and died for us so that we might live in peace and happiness.
The Passion is a sad and sorrowful time, yet is followed by the wonderful Joy of Easter.
Whatever our beliefs, we can be moved by Someone who would be willing to die for us and we can be joyful that His sorrow in ended.
Easter helps us to begin again. Let's celebrate!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Journey

We are all on a journey, hopefully on our way to spend Eternity with the One who loves us.
This week, Holy week, is a good time to evaluate our position and how we are progressing on the journey to Heaven.

Christ has already prepared the Way for us. Just like a 'sat-nap' we only need to 'tune' into the pathways designated for us.

As we are unique, there is a specific pathway for each person.

When we pray, we link up with God's Will for us and so are guided along our true pathway in life.

This Journey to Heaven is the most important journey of our lives.

It would be sad to lose our way. Maybe we get side-tracked sometimes, yet we can always find our way back.

Simply pray, tune in, ask for guidance and the Way will be made clear.
'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life... Follow Me'

Thursday, April 14, 2011


There are times when we may not be able to do very much. We want to do a lot, yet perhaps we are tired or sick or simply lacking in good-will.

Whatever it is that holds us back from being generous and interested in others may have a justifiable reason, yet pay no attention to it.

We are created to love and love means giving and sharing and caring.

So, when our nature kicks up and doesn't want to be a loving saint, then say 'okay' and just give a little.

Let's do whatever we can, then do a little more, and more, and more.

It's good to remember that we are like children. We don't often know what's good for us.

We want to be happy and loved and cared for, not realising that it is in the measure we give that we are able to receive.

Give a little. Keep the 'ball' of kindness rolling!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


There is an advantage, something positive, in every situation whatever it might be.

A lot depends on ourselves and the disposition of our heart and soul. When we open our hearts to love, then our lives are filled with opportunities to love.

It's up to us to take advantage of all these wonderful invitations that are coming our way.

Learning to take advantage of adversity and turn it into something positive is the big challenge of life.

It's a bold step to see all that happens as an advantage, a learning curve that will make us a better person.

God will always invite us to stay on the path of Love.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Have a little Faith

In the insecure world of today it makes great sense to have a little Faith.

Logic and intelligence will take us so far, yet only so far.

We can study and use the minds of those who know best, yet even there we are limited.

There is no limit to the Wisdom of God. This wonderful Adviser is at our disposal whenever we decide to ask for help.

Just have a little Faith... 'Ask and you shall receive...'

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Role of a Mother!

Today, Mother's Day, is a good time to reflect on the role of a mother.

My memories of my own mother are tinged with bitter-sweetness. She was only 48 years old when she died, leaving behind a family of eight children.

My father had already passed on, yet despite poor health, she soldiered on until God decided to call her home.

No one can take the place of a loving mother. We missed her terribly, yet God cloaked the cross with kindness.

He gave us his own Mother to look after us. She never fails in her role as a Mother and helps us in more ways than we are even aware of.

What a privilege it is to be guided by the Mother of God.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Forgive us our trespasses...

There are times when we fail; we make a promise to ourselves to do something or not to do something, then fail miserably.

Perhaps it's part of human nature that we like to believe we can choose to do something and it will be done.

We have a free will and we can make choices, yet we also have weaknesses that trip us up and reveal to us just how vulnerable we truly are.

In the Our Father prayer we ask, 'Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us...'

Such a great prayer, presenting us with two sides, how we look at ourselves and how we look at others.

God readily forgives us when we are sorry. Let's follow His good example and forgive from our heart those who may hurt or disappoint us.