Wednesday, February 23, 2011

LORD, that I may see!

A silly accident in breaking my glasses led to an eye-test and gave me an awareness of what a gift it is to be able to see.
It's easy to take our health for granted, and yet there is such a need to look after this Temple of the Holy Spirit.

That's why positive discipline will ensure that we stay healthy, in mind/body and spirit.

Now, coming into Spring we have flowers blooming and trees budding. So much to see and appreciate.

And there is the inner eye that helps us see the beauty in each person we meet.

How good God is to each one of us.

Lord, that I may see!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


At times, we may want to please people, and this is not a bad thing, yet its also wise to reflect and realise that God is in charge.
God ordains all that is meant to happen.
When we work with God, there is a balance to all we do. We are focused and happy to follow the inspirations that come our way.

Worry and anxiety are not part of God's plan for us.

Usually worries come about when we forget to rely on God and think that all depends on us.

Peace of mind and tranquility come about when we pray and invite God to be part of all we do.

So, no matter what comes our way, simply say...

Dear God, guide me. I leave all to You.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


It's good to be generous and kind-hearted, to care for people and have time to listen to what they have to say.

Yet, there are times when we are tired and busy and not in top-form, so it can take a stretch for us to be patient and continue to care.

Perhaps these times are the best, because it requires the practise of virtue to do even the smallest act of kindness.

How God must smile on us. We have such a desire to be good, even saintly, and we barely manage to be human.

What a blow to our ego. How small we can feel, humbled by our lack of virtue as we would see it.

So, let's not worry when we are made aware of our lack of virtue and short-comings. God sees all.

He reads our heart and when the time is right He supplies us with the grace to go that extra mile, and win the race.

Friday, February 11, 2011


To be at ease is a great thing. It means that we are free from stress and worry.

Also, it means that we are not out to impress anybody; we are just ourselves.

I believe it is a grace to be fully ourselves and undaunted by publicity or fame, or even infamy.

What people think, or don't think about us, is none of our business. Each person is free to think as they please.

The more truthful a person is, the more able they are to come up with an objective opinion, regardless of the opinion of others.

So, relax and put your feet up. Meditate on all that is spiritual and be at ease with yourself.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Welcome to my World

Each person is a world unto themselves.

We can learn to step into another person's world and become aware of how amazingly different and unique we are.

The way to do this is through friendship.

When I am willing to welcome you into my world, just as I am, then I am open to becoming a friend, and having a friend.

Perhaps we hold back, refuse to bare our soul and taste the vulnerability of being without a safety net...

Or, we can just launch out into the deep and allow the magic of the present moment to move us and teach us how to be whole again.

Friday, February 4, 2011


To abandon ourselves would seem to be a foolish thing to do. After all, we are meant to be responsible for ourselves and be wise.

Is it wise to abandon ourselves?

When it comes to God, our Creator, then it makes good sense to abandon ourselves to the One who loves us.

This trust in God will help us to grow in a spirit of trust for others. This is the foundation for freedom.

It's so easy to be free when we are unburdened. Often what burdens us is attachments to a sense of freedom which is not real.

Real freedom comes about when we are not tied down by material things; when we can open our hearts to God and freely respond to the graces of the present moment.

Abandonment is the key to freedom and happiness.