Thursday, December 29, 2011


Now that we are coming close to a New Year and leaving the past behind, it's good to sort ourselves out.

What do we want? Where do we want to go, and why?

In an writing exercise, 'who/why /what/where/when ' is a great way to get started in writing fiction and creating characters.

Perhaps the best character to work on is ourselves. We are special.

Our lives are special. This New Year is special.

When we keep this in mind, then it's easy to move forward and create new happenings/ new patterns/ new ways.

Go forward, aware that we are in Good Company!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Celebrate Life!

After the celebration of Christmas, the Birthday of Christ, it's a good 'follow-upper' to begin to celebrate life!

Parties and family get-to-gethers are all part of this wonderful celebration of being alive / able and willing to care and share for each other.

Sharing of gifts is good, yet the best gift of all is a sharing of ourselves. We open our hearts to each other and show how much we care.

Whenever relationships become 'heavy' or difficult, it's time to return to this wonderful celebration of life. We are alive!

Through our good will, we learn how to have relationships that matter.

Friends are ours for the asking, when we show how much we care about others.

Life is too important and short to waste time feeling bad or sad.

Be happy and glad to have a chance to celebrate life!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Be brave and unafraid...

Courage comes when we face whatever we are afraid of.

You could say that being afraid is a positive position to be in, just like a soldier on the battle-field. He can feel afraid, yet he is trained to respond to the need of the situation.

We are the same. Life will and does present us with situations where we can feel afraid / unable to face a challenge...

However, because we have 'trained' in the school of the positive, then we will be ready to do what is asked of us.

God meets us where we are at. His love is all embracing, and will lift us over all hurdles that stand in our way.

All we have to do is ask / pray for help, then get on with living a positive life!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Invitation to Change!

As we progress in the spiritual life, we will be invited to move forward, to change.

This invitation will come, often when we least expect it.

We meet new friends, and say goodbye to others.

People move on / we move on / Changes happen.

This is God's way of leading us forward to become a better, more rounded person.

Have I the good will to say yes?

Am I prepared to accept the invitation to change?

If and when we are disturbed by change, we have only to ask for help from He who loves us.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It's quite an achievement to trust in another person, to allow them to have imput in our lives and to be guided by their wisdom and standards.

Trust does not come easily, yet as soon as we allow our hearts to be guided by love, then it will become easy to trust.

People are like ourselves, good-hearted yet not perfect in decision-making etc.

We gain a great deal when we learn to trust others, even if they make wrong decisions or let us down in some way or other.

However, when we look at the Majesty and Divinity of God, we can only be amazed at how much we are trusted and given freedom to do what is right.

This makes it easy for us to have complete trust in God.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Mother's Love

Today is Our Lady's feast day, the Immaculate Conception.

Such a special day for those who see Mary as the Mother of Christ, and our Mother too.

Of course, we have a great regard for our own natural mothers, those heroic women who helped form us into the person we are today.

They have also taught us the value of a mother's love.

This now is Mary's role, to help us and teach us how to love in this complex world of ours.

When we become aware of how much we are loved and cared for, then it becomes easy for us to love and care for others.

Mary is always available to meet our needs and hear our prayers.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Preparation is the key to success, so we are told.

I believe this is true. So, if we want to have a happy Christmas, then it's important to prepare ourselves for this very special event.

Christmas is all about the Birth of Christ, the coming of Someone who loves and cherishes us.

Christ came on earth so we might be free; free from sorrow and pain.

Let's examine our lives and see if there is a place in our hearts where we can develop and love more; more sincerely; more generously; more truthfully.

The message of Christmas is all about LOVE!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Look on the bright side...

Sometimes when we feel our good-will waning, it's important to look on the bright side of life.

Have we our health? Can we walk? Better still, can we dance/ talk/ laugh/ have we the ability to look on the bright side of life and count our blessings.

We may have a list of all the things that didn't work, yet more importantly, have we a list of all the things that have worked and do work?

Life is full of surprises and invitations. What a wonderful opportunity we have to embrace each day and make the best of it.

How? Simply look on the bright side of life!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Love one another!

The commandment to love one another is both encouraging and almost impossible.

Each one of us has likes and dislikes; people we feel a natural infinity for, and those we don't...

God knows our human weaknesses, even more so than we do ourselves, yet He also knows that we are made in His image and likeness.

We can do all things in Him who strengthens us, provided we believe that we can do so.

Nothing can prevent us from loving.

Believe we can, and we can!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Give of one's best.

It dawned on me today that we can give a little, or give a lot. The choice is ours.

When we read the lives of the saints and look at their approach to love, they believed in giving whole-heartily.

St. Teresa of Avila took a vow to always do the most perfect thing, whatever that might be.

She believed in giving of her best. Nothing but her best was good enough.

So, there's a high standard for all of us who might find it hard to be a total giver.

Love is all embracing and would ask us to always give of our best.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today is a friend's birthday, the big 60 and she is happy with many cards and presents.

This got me thinking about life, the gift of life and how important it is to celebrate life.

Perhaps most of our days are spent in doing the ordinary, everyday things, yet each day is special, a gift from God.

This is why a huge thank you is due to our Creator for keeping us alive and well.

We are all gifted people, some gifts we may not even know we have, so it's important to dig deep into our souls and discover how gracious God is and how gifted we are.

When you think about it, we have a lot to celebrate!

Friday, November 11, 2011


Today is special, the 11th of 11th month of year 2011.

It occurred to me that being special is all to do with how we value something.

When I value my ability to do something, then it is special.

When I value friendship, then it becomes special for me.

Such power we have, to make whatever we value special.

This is a good time to value the gift of Faith, then this precious gift will always be special for us.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Generous YES

It's such a little word and yet can mean so much to say YES.

Of course there are times when we must state how we are and face our own short-comings and weaknesses. This is good and honest.

God does not weigh us down. Whenever we have a challenge, He provides us with the grace to do what is expected of us.

Most times, it's not our weakness, it's our pride that doesn't allow us to give a generous YES.

We may be asked to help with a job that does not appeal to us, or share our time with someone we find challenging...

Whatever it might be, all we need to do is pray and remind ourselves that we have grace to deal with all that is God's Will for us.

In fact, that's all that is asked of us, to do God's Will with a cheerful heart, glad to have the privilage of serving Love.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy to be me.

Most people, if not all of us, want to be happy. This blissful feeling of contentment, of happiness, is superior to all the wealth in the world.

Of course we may have desires/ things we want to do/ places we want to go to etc. This is all part of being human and helps towards being happy.

Perhaps the secret of happiness is not such a great secret after all. As soon as we are willing to care for another person,we have stepped on the road to happiness big-time!

Simply put, the secret of happiness is found in loving. Let's reach out and discover this mystical world of love.

Friday, November 4, 2011


To be of a creative mind depends on how open one is to change.
We may all like to be a creative person, yet there is a price to pay for any and all gifts one might possess.
For example, to be a creative writer then one has a need to write, not just now and then, but each day.
How consistant we are will determine how good we will be at our craft.
Tomorrow, Saturday 5th November is special for me because I will run another Creative Writing Workshop here in SOL Studio.
I'm a bit nervous and excited too.
The best way to be good at what we do is to share it with others.
So, let me encourage all to be of a creative mind.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Have a wonderful day!

Whenever we go to new places and meet new people we experience a sense of adventure; we are excited by the 'new'.
And yet, each day is new. We are a new person, facing a new day and none of us can know for sure how our day will work out.
A positive attitude will help us to go forward and embrace all that happens in the gift of this new day that we are receiving.
Whatever happened yesterday is in the past. What we have now is the present moment, a magical time to re-invent ourselves.
Let's have a wonderful day!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting older...

In a young world, the whole idea of becoming older can be fraught with anxiety and fears of all kinds.

Yet, what does it mean to grow older? Do we become a different person, unable to respond to life in general?

Age may slow us down, yet does not prevent us from loving and caring.

In many ways, we become a better, more sensitive and gentle person because we have more life skills and experiences to help us deal with life and people in general.

Look at our Mentor, the gentle, meek and humble heart of Christ and learn from the One who is Love.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Often, when we have a job to do and have a deadline to complete it, we realise the value of time.

Time management may not be every body's gift, yet it is a skill that we can learn by appreciating the value of time.

As we grow older and the years seem to fly away, we become more focused on what is essential in our lives.

We value each hour of each day of each week, with appreciation and gratitude for the gift of life itself.

People of Faith believe that God calls us home at our best moment. This is a consoling thought.

Let's value the time given to us to prepare ourselves for the journey home to heaven.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Perhaps all of us want to be christian minded, someone who asks what would Christ do and so respond in like manner.

Yet, human nature can come into the picture and we fall short of our ideals.

How can we resolve this? What is the solution?

I believe patience is the strong point, like a backbone that keeps us erect and able to keep working, despite whatever failures may happen.

A patient mind will be able to assess each situation and find a positive solution. This does not depend on logic or understanding.

It has more to do with following our heart / listening to that little voice inside that teaches us the truth in each given situation.

After all, we are called to love, and who better to teach us than He who is Love.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Today, I found myself working with a 'new' person with new ways of doing things that would be foreign to me.

It made me realise that often our ways of doing things are based on habits. We become comfortable in what works well for us.

Yet, as soon as we begin to share and work with others we can be surprised to learn there are different ways of doings / approaching challenges etc.

If we are quick to let go of our 'comfort zone' then what might appear disturbing can really be enlightening. We learn from others new ways to deal with life.

This makes us a better, more rounded person.

Every person we meet can be our teacher, and like-wise, our pupil.

Look outside the box and be happily surprised.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Our days can often be filled with 'pin-pricks', little happenings that cause us pain.

We are not going to die from these inconveniences, yet emotionally we can feel a certain death.

If we are wise and quick enough, we'll realise it's only our bruised ego that feels the pain.

A good help is the ability to find some humour or learning curve in what has happened.

Perhaps at times, we are the ones who cause others to feel 'pin-pricks'.

This is all part of being human...

"How frail You have made the sons (and daughters) of men!"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I heard today of a friend, a good person, who had died quite suddenly. May she rest in peace.

When we believe in Heaven, we believe that God calls us at our best moment. However, emotionally we can be disturbed and distraught. Here was a person we could talk to /share our experiences with, but not anymore.

Spiritually, we can communicate within our hearts with those who have passed on, yet it's not the same. The relationship is different.

I walked over to the sea-front, enjoying the warm breeze and sunshine. This pleasure is still mine, for now.

I can only surmise that Heaven is beyond all delights. Yet, we can feel sorry for those who are left behind in grief.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


In a busy world where we find ourselves chasing after time to do all the things we want to do, it's a refreshing idea to simply be 'like a child'.

How do we do that, I wonder?

In becoming a child, as an adult, we have a lot to un-learn. It's like going back to school, to learn how to empty our minds of all the non-essentials that clutter up our lives.

A child will respond to what happens NOW.

As adults we can hold on to baggage, mentally and physically, and so lose focus and become frustrated with ourselves and life in general.

Learning to be childlike and open-minded to what comes to us in the present moment will teach us how to become all we are meant to be,

a true child of God.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


No matter who we are or where we are, we will most likely find ourselves invited to

'go the extra mile'.

A generous heart is a great asset to have. This gives us the ability to push ourselves to be more than we think we are.

Yet, it's when we are tired, or sick, or frustrated in some way that these wonderful opportunities to enlarge our hearts will come our way.

God is so compassionate with each one of us. Still, He will prompt us to reach out and may even give us a 'gentle push' to go that extra mile, or so.

What a great help it will be if we are prepared in our hearts to give that little bit more, and more.

We have the great example of Christ, teaching us to give all, and not to count the cost.

So, let's be ready to go that extra mile!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We live in a strange world where people can be afraid to love. Why?
Perhaps we are longing so much for love that we build a false image of what love is all about.
Love is a wonderful gift that each one of us possess when we want to love.
So simple, love is ours for the asking.
It could well be one of the reasons why we fail when it come to love. We forget to ask.
Just like a child who tries to take a cake, without asking, and so is refused. We too, will find love elusive if we forget to ask for the grace to help us to love.
Love will heal all hurts and wounds. God is willing to help us out.
Just ask!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Today is the our Lady's birthday, as celebrated by the Church.

This got me thinking about mothers and how important their birthdays are to their children. If our mothers had never been born, we would not exist at all!

God's plan for each one of us is shrouded in mystery. How our lives develop are often dependent on where we were born and who our parents were etc.

The Divine operates through the natural.

We grow up and learn to make choices for ourselves and so we are the product of all the choices we make, and will make.

Mary's place in our lives is vitally important. She is like a guiding light that will help us to make the right choices, if we recognise our need and are willing to ask for her help.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rest in Me!

Whenever we are troubled and unable to see a solution to what may be troubling us, all we have to do is pray; open our hearts to God and He will guide us.

There is always a answer. We may not have it, yet we believe and know in our hearts that God is with us.

'Come to Me, all you who are burdened and I will give you rest.'

Rest in Me!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The human mind is so complex and yet so simple.

We are created to love and are fulfilled in loving, therefore it's a wonderful thing to reach out to each other in a caring and loving way.

Sometimes all we can do is send a greeting / give a smile / a listening ear etc.

Then again we may be asked to love greatly, even at a cost to ourselves. This is where we prove our love for each other and practise our faith.

God loves a generous, willing giver.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Keep it Simple

In our relationship with God we can become confused, or misguided.

We want to be wholehearted in our beliefs, to have strong faith, yet scruples and worries can get in the way.

God will guide us, encourage us, even prod us at times, yet He will never discourage us.

This is the beauty of love, and He who is Love, that we are always encouraged to be happy and to enjoy life.

If and when discouragement sets in, then we can be sure it is not the work of God.

A Friend will always help with positive ways to become a more wholesome person.

Let's keep it simple and listen to the gentle, encouraging Voice of God.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Value of Weakness

We are all prone to weakness. Even our best efforts will fail at times. This is actually a positive rather than a negative experience, yet the emotional effect of failing can linger and cause us to feel bad about ourselves and our endeavours.

The value of weakness is found in the efforts we make to overcome our feelings and make progress in loving; loving to be just who we are, warts and all.

And when we are weak, we are also strong. A paradox that comes about through using our faith and believing that all is good.

God does not makes mistakes. Who we are is our gift from Him.

When we love weakness, we learn to see God's love in all that is.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Be Honest

The ability to be honest, to say what we mean and to mean what we say is not easy.

We may be programmed to be a nice person, someone who doesn't want to hurt or upset another person. This is good, yet may well be wrong if and when the truth is in jeopardy.

Truth is the core of each person's persona; who we truly are. Whatever we say or do may not be the real 'us'. We may hide behind a facade of 'niceness', a person who is liked by others and is known to be a likeable person.

Our core / our spiritual being cannot be fooled. Only when we are truly honest with ourselves, and others, will be be free to be the person God created us to be.

"The TRUTH will set us free."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


We all need to celebrate, sometimes more than others.
It comes naturally to celebrate success / when things go right for us.
Yet, perhaps we need to celebrate when things don't go right for us / when we fail or have failure thrust upon us.
In a spiritual sense, there is no such thing as failure. It's just a learning curve, a way to develop and grow in maturity and good common-sense.

Wisdom is borne of pain, so they say.

A celebration helps us to relax and learn what life is teaching us.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Gentle Person

To be a gentle person requires discipline with ourselves. This helps us to have an awareness of other people and their needs.

The person who is gentle is open and willing to change when change is needed.

A good role-model is always welcome, and for those of us with a little faith, we have the best Role-Model in the whole world, Jesus Christ!

The life of Christ is all about gentleness and compassion for the needs of others. The stories in the Gospel tell us only a fraction of this wonderful Redeemer.

This Gentle Person is our guide through life.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It's all about belief!

Our whole lives are based on our belief system. Even in the Medical world we are told that people who have a strong belief recover more quickly.

This positive belief is part of our whole lives. Take for example the student who knows they have to study and are daunted by the work-load, yet if they can believe in the value of learning and sticking with the job in hand, then they will be winners!

We are all students of life. Our aim is to better ourselves and grow as a loving, productive person.

Believe we can be better, more positive / more loving / happy people!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


To be happy in this interesting and challenging world of ours, there is a need to reach out to others.
We all like our space / our time out / our privacy, and well we might. Yet we are surrounded by people. People who have needs, just like ourselves.

We are not asked to play God. He well knows how to do His job. However, we are prompted to respond to His inspirations,
Do I? Am I able? Good questions to ask.

This precious world of ours rotates on Love!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Be at peace

Our lives can be busy in many ways. We may have a 'wish' list, things we would so like to do etc.

This is healthy and positive, to be busy and active. Yet, how we are, rather than what we do, is more important.

This is where our peace of mind steps in. A good examination of conscience will help us to focus on how we are.

Are we happy? Are we open to doing God's Will in our daily life?

Are we at peace?

Peace of mind is a good indicator of just how we are. Our regard for our peace will help us to face whatever is disturbing us or not quite right in our lives.

Be at peace!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Change for the better.

Change happens, whether we like it or not.

It can be a good thing to have regular routines, ways we have to insure our life is smooth and productive.

It's also good to face change, head-on. The world we live in is changing, and we too are moving on, hopefully to a better future.

That's why it's such a positive step to embrace change.

Our bodies grow older, yet hopefully our mentality grows younger, more able to see the beauty of change.

Each day invites us to be a better, more loving person. Do we see the invitation and embrace it?

God loves us, more than we can imagine. Our potential to return that love is endless. Opportunities come with people and places etc.

Am I ready, ready to change?

Thursday, June 9, 2011


In a busy world, to care and be aware of others is a wonderful thing.

We all know how much it can mean when someone cares enough to think about us, write to us, call us, pray for us.

Little things can mean so much and yet may not be so little when it comes to love.

To give someone a cup of water when they are thirsty could mean the difference between life and death.

Perhaps we don't meet these extremes in our daily life, yet a kind word can give 'life' to one who is thirsty for love.

When we are focused on loving, then even the smallest gesture is of great importance.

Love a little!

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Whatever happens to us, it's good to know that we are being invited to love.

Of course, we have our own ideas of how to love and how love should be presented, yet be patient. God has special ways of helping us to grow in love.

Often, disappointments or even failure can lend more to love than obvious success.

Whatever God dictates is always best for us. Trust in His Love for us.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Artist

Sunday, 29th May was a special day for Arts in Wicklow.

The Arts Festival was in full swing, with diverse interests to suit all tastes and ages, young and old!

Several Writers groups met together in the beautiful Cosmic Garden (beside the Ecology Centre on the grounds of the Dominican Convent).

God was kind to us and the sun shone all the while we shared our creative interests and read our poems.

If you find yourself in Wicklow town, do call up to visit the Cosmic Garden. I can only say how lovely it is. One has to see it for themselves.

There is an Artist in each one of us and when we follow our creative inspirations then we share what is best in us.

Still, good to remember that God will provide the inspirations. He leaves us to do the work!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Living in the Now!

A lot of our lives can be taken up with memories of the past and challenges of the future. Yet only when we learn to deal with our past and have a positive outlook on life, will we be able to live in the present moment.

This precious time of NOW is all we have really.

God is constantly inviting us to grow and develop in love. This is the challenge of the present moment.

Can I respond? Will I respond? Only God knows. We have such freedom to go forward or backward...

Let's open our hearts to Love and continue to put Love first, in all things.

It's becomes easy, the more we do it.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Each one of us has a life to live. If we are guided by Wisdom, then we will live well/ love well.

God is with us, every step of the way. We only need to tune in to the Wisdom of God and all will be well.

The world we live in is full of challenges / opportunities to develop and become a better, more rounded person.

When we approach each day with confidence in God's love for us, then we

have nothing to fear. We learn to enjoy the gift of life and value it.

We are created to love. Let's be wise and avail of the many invitations that come our way to love, and love, and love.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Each day is a golden opportunity to be creative and make progress in becoming a better, more loving person.

Often what we regard as a difficulty could be a chance to grow in awareness, to see our world from a different perspective.

We have a plan to do things, and everything may go wrong. Not to worry.

There is a Divine Plan, ready and willing to guide us on our journey through life.

Pick up the pieces and start again. Effort is never wasted. We learn so much, simply by doing.

So whatever is today's challenge, be ready. God is with us.

Monday, May 2, 2011


The first day of May was like a earthquake, shattering all the petty problems of this life and reminding us that we are on a journey, to spend Heaven with the One who loves us.

The beatification of John-Paul 11 resounded around the whole world.

The Church has named many saints, yet here is one who is already known to all, big and small alike.

What made his life so special? Becoming Pope, leader of the Catholic Church? Not really.

It is shown in his love for God and for all mankind.

A saint is one who loves God, with all their heart, soul and mind.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


In a world of turmoil and discontent, it's a huge thing to celebrate and enjoy the happy times that come our way.
Easter is such a special time. Christ was crucified and died for us so that we might live in peace and happiness.
The Passion is a sad and sorrowful time, yet is followed by the wonderful Joy of Easter.
Whatever our beliefs, we can be moved by Someone who would be willing to die for us and we can be joyful that His sorrow in ended.
Easter helps us to begin again. Let's celebrate!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Journey

We are all on a journey, hopefully on our way to spend Eternity with the One who loves us.
This week, Holy week, is a good time to evaluate our position and how we are progressing on the journey to Heaven.

Christ has already prepared the Way for us. Just like a 'sat-nap' we only need to 'tune' into the pathways designated for us.

As we are unique, there is a specific pathway for each person.

When we pray, we link up with God's Will for us and so are guided along our true pathway in life.

This Journey to Heaven is the most important journey of our lives.

It would be sad to lose our way. Maybe we get side-tracked sometimes, yet we can always find our way back.

Simply pray, tune in, ask for guidance and the Way will be made clear.
'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life... Follow Me'

Thursday, April 14, 2011


There are times when we may not be able to do very much. We want to do a lot, yet perhaps we are tired or sick or simply lacking in good-will.

Whatever it is that holds us back from being generous and interested in others may have a justifiable reason, yet pay no attention to it.

We are created to love and love means giving and sharing and caring.

So, when our nature kicks up and doesn't want to be a loving saint, then say 'okay' and just give a little.

Let's do whatever we can, then do a little more, and more, and more.

It's good to remember that we are like children. We don't often know what's good for us.

We want to be happy and loved and cared for, not realising that it is in the measure we give that we are able to receive.

Give a little. Keep the 'ball' of kindness rolling!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


There is an advantage, something positive, in every situation whatever it might be.

A lot depends on ourselves and the disposition of our heart and soul. When we open our hearts to love, then our lives are filled with opportunities to love.

It's up to us to take advantage of all these wonderful invitations that are coming our way.

Learning to take advantage of adversity and turn it into something positive is the big challenge of life.

It's a bold step to see all that happens as an advantage, a learning curve that will make us a better person.

God will always invite us to stay on the path of Love.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Have a little Faith

In the insecure world of today it makes great sense to have a little Faith.

Logic and intelligence will take us so far, yet only so far.

We can study and use the minds of those who know best, yet even there we are limited.

There is no limit to the Wisdom of God. This wonderful Adviser is at our disposal whenever we decide to ask for help.

Just have a little Faith... 'Ask and you shall receive...'

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Role of a Mother!

Today, Mother's Day, is a good time to reflect on the role of a mother.

My memories of my own mother are tinged with bitter-sweetness. She was only 48 years old when she died, leaving behind a family of eight children.

My father had already passed on, yet despite poor health, she soldiered on until God decided to call her home.

No one can take the place of a loving mother. We missed her terribly, yet God cloaked the cross with kindness.

He gave us his own Mother to look after us. She never fails in her role as a Mother and helps us in more ways than we are even aware of.

What a privilege it is to be guided by the Mother of God.