Perhaps, more that anything, people like to feel secure. This is both a good and a bad thing.
When we look for security, it is possible that we may be misguided in where and how to find it.
The insecure person will seek security in authority, in someone stronger than themselves. Then they can relax and be free from worry or decision-making.
This is not always a good thing, yet perhaps all of us are insecure in some way or other.
We need to find a Hero, someone who can lead us and guide us.
Well, we have the Perfect Hero in Christ. Our Faith will help us to see that we have no need to be afraid. He has promised to always be with us.
This 'insecurity' we experience can be a spring-board to becoming a stronger, secure person.
By Faith we believe. By using our Faith, we learn to grow and develop as a sound person. We are guided by Love, not fear.
Yes, true security will be found in our willingness to keep close to our Loving Saviour.