Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Christmas is a good time to strengthen family ties.

We make time for each other and learn how to accommodate each others' needs.

There is a wonderful opportunity here to know each other better, and learn about the new ways that each person's life is taking shape.

This time is so precious. Let's open our hearts and minds to each other in this Holy Season.


Today, being the feast of the Holy Innocents, is a good day to reflect on what desolation is all about.

When we lose someone we lose, we can be desolate. Grief fills the void where love existed.

When we lose our self-esteem, the lose can be almost as much. There is a grieving taking place within our hearts. Joy has evaporated and we can be left with feelings of desolation.

Often, times like this take place when we are vulnerable. We may be sick or suffering the loss of the good opinion of another person.

The strong-minded person will say, 'blow' it away. It's only a feeling.

And yet, what is life made up of if not feelings?

Without vulnerability we may never learn the depths of love. We could easily remain as a 'hard shell', someone with an outer cover that no one can penetrate.

So, feelings of desolation can be a certain kind of gift. God is stepping into our lives and teaching us how to be inwardly strong.

The person who can withstand pain and still turn to God and believe that they are loved, this person is indeed open to the Grace of God.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Perhaps, more that anything, people like to feel secure. This is both a good and a bad thing.

When we look for security, it is possible that we may be misguided in where and how to find it.

The insecure person will seek security in authority, in someone stronger than themselves. Then they can relax and be free from worry or decision-making.

This is not always a good thing, yet perhaps all of us are insecure in some way or other.

We need to find a Hero, someone who can lead us and guide us.

Well, we have the Perfect Hero in Christ. Our Faith will help us to see that we have no need to be afraid. He has promised to always be with us.

This 'insecurity' we experience can be a spring-board to becoming a stronger, secure person.

By Faith we believe. By using our Faith, we learn to grow and develop as a sound person. We are guided by Love, not fear.

Yes, true security will be found in our willingness to keep close to our Loving Saviour.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas is a time for family and friends, and also time for getting to know ourselves.

For me, this has certainly been a mixed Christmas. Perhaps it had to do with being unwell.

A bad head cold knocked me out, physically, mentally and spiritually. I wanted to be well and get on with making plans for having a wonderful Christmas.

Instead, I winded up nursing my cold and unable to help with preparations and all the many jobs that needed to be done.

God was not asking anything from me except to relax and allow my uncomfortable state to take its toll.

How easy it is to have ideas and plans of what God is asking of us. Yet, like the good Father that He is, He only wants us to be happy and respond to the inspirations that come our way each day.

How simple life would be if we could listen to the Gentle Voice that speaks to our hearts.

Being weak, just like the little baby Jesus, leaves room for God in our lives.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Astronomers teach us that the Earth is small compared to the Universe, just a little ball spinning around the Sun.

Then we look at the Earth and the billions of people who live on our planet and see that we are only a speck on the face of the Earth.

We are so small that it's hard to imagine how insignificant we are.

And yet, we are told that even for just one of us, Christ would have redeemed the world.

We may be beyond little, yet in the Eyes of God we are magnificent. We are part of His Creation, His Masterpiece.

Only Faith can teach us how to have an understanding of what all this means; God loves this little speck that is me!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Be kind to one another

When we look at the world at large, we can see many human faults. Even in ourselves there are many short-comings / steps we need to take to be free from pride and arrogance, or even stupidity.

One of the best forms of freedom is to be taken up with helping others. When we are kind to one another, we draw grace from Heaven.

God is so pleased by us when we respond to the invitations that come our way, so much so that He often steps in and guides us, intuitively.

The power that comes from kindness is the Power of God.

We become graced with His Presence, both in ourselves and those we are kind to.

Be kind, always

Monday, December 13, 2010


Perhaps none of us like to do Penance, to suffer, and yet it is often when we do 'violence' to ourselves that our peace of mind increases in leaps and bounds.

Penance is just another word for discipline.

Ask any successful athlete or business person and they will tell you that discipline is the key to their success. No pain / no gain!

To deprive ourselves of something / to do penance, makes us a stronger, better person.

Try it out today. Find someway to practise penance and see the immediate result. Be brave!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Most of our lives are lived in preparation for one thing or another.

If we are planning to go on a journey, then it becomes essential to be prepared.

Everything takes time, therefore time is precious.

Each one of us know that we will make a final journey. If we have faith and believe in the goodness of God, then we can look forward to Heaven.

The love we have for others will be our passport to a place where only Love exists.

Now is the time to reflect and consider how much we are motivated by love, and realise that's all that matters, to love.

Prepare now. Be 'heart' conscious.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


To value each moment is a great standard to have.

Lately, we are reminded of a way of being - mindfulness - which is a great help in putting value on all we do.

Being mindful is a given state of mind where we practise patience and awareness in all our actions and thoughts.

The saints of old spoke a lot about the practise of the Presence of God.

How mindful we would be if we had this awareness that God is present with us, always. We are never alone.

'I am with you, always, even to the end of the world.'

Saturday, December 4, 2010


When we are troubled we go to the One who helps us. We don't need to have answers or the gift of reading the future.

We simply need to trust that He who says, 'Abide in Me' will always be there for us.

This is a good test of our Faith, to believe that we are supported by Grace, and those we love are being looked after in the best possible way.

Suffering is difficult, yet suffering linked with Love is made possible.

Our Faith is tested, each day. Sometimes more than we expect.

Yet it is with Faith that we are able to Abide in Him who loves us.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It was a magical morning, walking to Mass in the snow.
Afterwards, we had a minor snowball fight, just like children. It was a time for having fun.

Now, looking out at the darkness and constant snow, I feel as a grown-up wondering about the danger of icy roads.

Yet, deep inside each one of us is that little child, more aware of fun than danger.

Being childlike doesn't make us reckless, simply positive and able to handle awkward situations with care and laughter.

So, how do we handle the challenge of the present moment ?

We can look for a solution and play the game of life, or bemoan the hardships we have to endure.

Life without a challenge would make us weak and dull, whereas the person who embraces the 'cross' becomes a happier and better person.

Snowed in? Keep a shovel handy!