Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Being human, we are laced with emotions of all kinds. When we are happy our emotions lead to joy / when we are sad we feel down-hearted.
Yet, truth is, we are just the same person. Nothing has changed except our emotions.
This could be a result of a change in the weather, or a change in our diet. Or, perhaps someone we like said hello to us and so we are 'over the moon'. Our emotional state is heightened, and if the opposite happens, then we are enveloped in sadness.

Dear Lord, how frail you have made us, and yet this is our greatest help in becoming united with You.
When I am weak, then I am strong. My emotions are like a good friend that helps me to know my need for God.

Monday, June 28, 2010


The Bible tells us that there is a time for sorrow / time for joy / time to live / time to die.

Perhaps for most of us, time is an elusive 'thing' that we spend our lives chasing after, and wondering how to catch up.

This running after time can lead to worry and stress. No matter what we do, we may feel we have not done enough.

And, yet God is so patient with each one of us. He gives us life and time to spend our lives wisely.

Then a time comes when we are called on to face God and account for the time we have spent here on earth.

Will we be able to give a good account of our lives?

Have we given enough time to prayer and the awareness of God?

Have we dealt wisely with the ups and downs that are part and parcel of our lives?

Time is running out... think wisely / act wisely. Above all, love!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We live in such an interesting world, surrounded by opportunities to develop ourselves and become better than we are.
This is a good thing, and yet it can happen that we lose sight of what is most important, our relationship with our Creator.
To keep our eyes on God means that we put all things in perspective; our ability to be true to ourselves and honest with others.
What is most important in life is a loving relationship with He who loves us.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's important to stretch / to reach beyond our grasp, if possible.

When we exercise, stretching helps us to limber up and free any stiffness in our limbs.

When we aim at reaching beyond our grasp, we face our need for more than who we are. We become aware of Divine Energy.

This wonderful Source of Energy is at our finger-tips, every moment of our lives. Let's stretch / reach out and allow the Power of God to fill our lives.

We are 'the captain of our ship'. Our progress is up to us.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


On Saturday, 12-6-2010, we celebrated a be-lated Birthday Party for my sister Mairead. She was seventy last January.
The event took place in my cousin, Carmel's home in Dublin. The house was packed with mothers and little ones, so many little ones.

We were all thrilled with the wonderful, generous efforts my cousin and family went to, bringing us all together.

I was fascinated by the little ones; unique personalities from one to seven years. They played their games and made their presence felt in such a positive manner.

I did my best to join in, yet most of the time I was in study-mode, watching God's greatest gift, the gift of life, unfold before my eyes.

In the spiritual life we are encouraged to live in the present moment and live life to the full, taking into account those around us.

Well, these little ones do just that, each moment, each day.

No wonder Our Lord said, 'Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.'

Allow time to study and learn how to be just like these little ones.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Reach for the Stars!

There is a fine line between those who follow inspiration, and those who live in a world of dreams, never quite keeping their feet on the ground.

We need to dream, to let go of what we know and reach for the unknown, yet with a little caution and common sense.

The inspirations that come to us from God are positive and encouraging. We feel able and willing to go beyond our natural capacities, believing that we have an 'Inner Strength' guiding and helping us.

Alone, we can be led astray and lose our perspective on what is right and noble and what will lead us closer to God.

If God is by our side, then we have nothing to fear. We can reach for the stars and believe we are already there!

Monday, June 7, 2010


In a busy, complicated world, it can be easy to get confused as to what is most important.

Money comes first for some people until they realise they are still unhappy.

Others may feel a need to achieve something / study something / be something, and all this can be laudable yet still may not lead to happiness.

Then there are those who grow in awareness of inner peace. They are the privileged ones because they learn to come away from the material world we live in and enter into a hidden world of beauty and peace.

When we allow ourselves to follow our hearts and look for beauty in this wonderful world of ours / to find beauty in those around us, we put love first and happiness follows.

This is the invitation that God sends to us, each day. Find the beautiful in putting LOVE first.

Friday, June 4, 2010


The saints and spiritually-minded people would say that there is no secondary cause. ALL that happens stems from God's Loving Hand.
It may seem hard then when we are hurt or feel neglected or ignored by others, to remember that what is happening is part of God's Love for us.

There is a divine pattern in everything, the happy times and the sad times.

God does not suddenly decide to stop loving us. If that were the case then we would die because we cannot exist without love.

We can be consoled by each other, and this is another way for God to show how much He cares and wants us to be happy.

So, what would help us to recognise God's love when the sad times come?

Let us build an awareness of the wonderful love of God, so even when it hurts, simply focus on the qualities of love and He who is LOVE.

Love cannot be against itself. Love reaches out and teaches us how to love, and human nature being what it is, we can learn so much from adversities and such like.

We also learn so much from the happy times too.

Love cures all!