Sunday, February 21, 2010


Will be off on holiday on Tuesday to Canaries. So looking forward to the experience of a new place; warm sunshine and swimming in the sea (without freezing).

Almost finished packing, which is a chore, yet helps to put one in the holiday spirit. And of course, this will be an opportunity to relax and write.

In our everyday life we can get caught up with duties. One can be duty-bound and so a lot of fun and inspiration can be lost. Pity. After all, we only have one chance at life, so we owe it to ourselves to make the effort to put as much enjoyment into whatever we are occupied with.

It can be a good exercise to read about people who have a passion for what they do, whatever their gift. I watched a dvd about Michael Jackson r.i.p. His passion for dancing and giving 100% to all that he did, is inspirational to say the least.

So, maybe that will be part of my holiday therapy, to develop a passion for what I like to do, and do it.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


As we swing into Lent, the whole concept of sacrifice comes to the forefront.

Should I give up this or that..? should I take on this or that..? Loads of ideas and good thoughts can float in, and out.

It's not an easy thing to make sacrifices, to deny ourselves things we desire / have a strong liking for etc. And yet, the discipline that comes with making a sacrifice is what builds character and inner strength.

The psalm says, 'How frail You have made us...' How true, yet sacrifice is not about strength, it's about LOVE.

So, perhaps Lent is about doing something that will move us to love more, whatever the cost.

What a challenge, to use the period of Lent to develop as a loving, caring person.

Friday, February 12, 2010

All you need is Love!

Each one of us can be presented with needs, of one kind or another. And, we may be convinced that we know what is best for us.

Yet, do we? Do we really?

Today, the eve of Valentine's day, is a good time to examine what our real needs are.

The honest person will be able to see the truth, that it is Love we need.

Wealth is good, yet no guarantee of happiness.

Work is good and can help to occupy us, giving us a sense of achievement.

A careful examination of ourselves will reveal that only Love can make us happy.

Love is the mainstay of our living and breathing. The very purpose of our existence is found in our ability to love, and to be loved.

Make no mistake about it. When we put love into the centre of our lives, we will be positive-minded and happy people
All you need is Love!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Those who are spiritual-minded are very aware of their peace of mind. They guard it like a precious jewel and are willing to suffer to make sure that their peace is never violated.

Peace of mind is a gift, freely given when we are willing to put love first.

Those who follow the Christian path are fully aware of Christ as representing Truth.

'I am the Light of the world'.

By remaining in the 'light' we are able to see the truth in a situation and so avoid false ways that can only lead to deceit and misery.

We can be weak and yet strong in our faith. Then we are filled with true peace of mind and life is wonderful.

This inner strength is available to all. The price is minimal.

Simply pray for guidance, and above all let us regard peace of mind as our greatest treasure.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Being weak is not very attractive, yet there is a power attached to weakness.

What is it?

Sometimes, it can be hard to put our finger on it, yet I believe that weakness is like a teacher. When I am weak, I have more knowledge of myself. I have more compassion for others. I am aware of God's Presence in my life. I am myself.

All good reasons for embracing weakness.

Perhaps also, the creative mind needs to experience weakness, to be vulnerable and linked to what is true. So easy to be false to ourselves, and to others.

Weakness trains us to be truthful. An honest person will be inspired to greatness.

Love weakness / Value weakness / Do not be afraid to be embrace the power of weakness.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Creative Mind

For those of us who are interested in Art, and all the many ways that art is presented to us, there can be a mistaken belief that the 'artist' is the centre of attraction.

It's a good thing to value the person, yet also good to keep in mind that the artist is like a messenger who portrays the gifts received.

This is where the Creative Mind is seen through those who have the courage to listen and follow the inspirations given to them.

Perhaps this is why all true artists are humble people, almost embarrassed by the fame that is attributed to them.

In one sense, we are all artists because we have the ability to appreciate and enjoy the work of the artist whether it is a painting / a song/ a play etc.

Without an audience, the actors play to an empty house. Yet, with a good audience the actors can be inspired to greatness.

Let pure ART, not praise, be our gauge for truth.