Tuesday, January 26, 2010


In a world that seems to thrive on action and personal development, the word SURRENDER might seem to be 'un-real'. So, what does it really mean?

Surrender is a willingness to let go of personal opinions and attitudes, for the sake of the common good.
For a country, this would mean a love for peace and an interest in the individual person, taking into account the weak as well as the strong.

Individually, the whole concept of surrender is shown in our willingness to care for each other. We don't live on this planet alone. We are part of a huge cosmos, like a giant puzzle, that only really works when all the 'pieces' fit into place.

So, what is my place? What is your place? What role do we have to play?

These are good questions that will provoke us into becoming aware of the 'big' picture, and not just our own little world.

Simply put, we are invited to surrender to LOVE!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


A spirit of gladness is found in those who know how to appreciate life, in all the many turns of events that happen.

We can be locked into desires of one kind or another, and so miss out on the BIG picture of life, the wonderful glad spirit that captivates us and fills us with gratitude and joy.

So, how do we gain this spirit of gladness?

For me, the answer is simple, and simply done; to apply myself to each day and the events of the day with a glad heart, even if I don't feel glad.

Feelings come and go. All it takes is a little cold to make us feel miserable, but do we have to feel bad? This is where choice comes in.

I choose to feel good, therefore I am good and glad to be so. The fact that I fail or things go wrong does not change the truth of my choice.

This is where the spirit of gladness is fostered, and like a plant grows and blossoms.

We can be weak, and yet strong when we are imbued with this spirit of gladness.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


If God was to speak to the heart of each person today, I imagine He would say, 'Listen to Me.' Of course, being the compassionate Person that He is, He would probably add, 'please.'

We live in a busy world where it doesn't come easy to relax and take time out, especially to make time for others. What is all the hurry about? Where are we going? What are we doing?

Good questions to ask ourselves, and to come up with positive answers.

For myself, I find it necessary to take time out / to mediatate each day and allow God to speak to me.

In this quiet time, my soul has space to connect with the God-head, and to listen to what my heart hears, not my head.

So, I say, Listen to Him, please.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Now that we are in the throes of renovating our premises, the value of patience comes to mind.

So many things to be done, and yet, one can only approach each day with a positive spirit and believe that the pieces will gell together and be a success.

Patience is a definite virtue of strength. The person who is willing to live in the present moment and apply themselves to the job on hand, will be rewarded with the fruits of their labour.

God does not over-whelm us with a huge array of graces. We receive, in each moment, the grace / the strength we need to do the work that is asked of us. The more simple our approach, the more successful we will be.

No need to worry or spend un-necessary energy being anxious about the future. Simply respond, with patience, to the work of the present moment, and all will be well.

Patience wins the day!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


A friend said once that when we keep walking in the same path we wind up in a rut. So easy to happen; we have a system that works and so we apply it. This is good, yet if it prevents us from moving forward, then we need to let go and find a new path.

It can be so encouraging and uplifting to step forward into NEW SPACE. It may mean moving house / moving city / moving country. Whatever is needed to lift us out of our comfort zone.

Most times, what is needed is simply a change of mind, a new way of looking at our lives and learning to find new ways to spring forward as a person.

Meditation is a good exercise in allowing us to come away from our mind-patterns and leave space for God. This way we are free to see life without our usual hang-ups.

We become aware of reality and so we can reach out, follow new ways and create new space in our lives for LOVE.