Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Christmas is a good time to strengthen family ties.

We make time for each other and learn how to accommodate each others' needs.

There is a wonderful opportunity here to know each other better, and learn about the new ways that each person's life is taking shape.

This time is so precious. Let's open our hearts and minds to each other in this Holy Season.


Today, being the feast of the Holy Innocents, is a good day to reflect on what desolation is all about.

When we lose someone we lose, we can be desolate. Grief fills the void where love existed.

When we lose our self-esteem, the lose can be almost as much. There is a grieving taking place within our hearts. Joy has evaporated and we can be left with feelings of desolation.

Often, times like this take place when we are vulnerable. We may be sick or suffering the loss of the good opinion of another person.

The strong-minded person will say, 'blow' it away. It's only a feeling.

And yet, what is life made up of if not feelings?

Without vulnerability we may never learn the depths of love. We could easily remain as a 'hard shell', someone with an outer cover that no one can penetrate.

So, feelings of desolation can be a certain kind of gift. God is stepping into our lives and teaching us how to be inwardly strong.

The person who can withstand pain and still turn to God and believe that they are loved, this person is indeed open to the Grace of God.

Monday, December 27, 2010


Perhaps, more that anything, people like to feel secure. This is both a good and a bad thing.

When we look for security, it is possible that we may be misguided in where and how to find it.

The insecure person will seek security in authority, in someone stronger than themselves. Then they can relax and be free from worry or decision-making.

This is not always a good thing, yet perhaps all of us are insecure in some way or other.

We need to find a Hero, someone who can lead us and guide us.

Well, we have the Perfect Hero in Christ. Our Faith will help us to see that we have no need to be afraid. He has promised to always be with us.

This 'insecurity' we experience can be a spring-board to becoming a stronger, secure person.

By Faith we believe. By using our Faith, we learn to grow and develop as a sound person. We are guided by Love, not fear.

Yes, true security will be found in our willingness to keep close to our Loving Saviour.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas is a time for family and friends, and also time for getting to know ourselves.

For me, this has certainly been a mixed Christmas. Perhaps it had to do with being unwell.

A bad head cold knocked me out, physically, mentally and spiritually. I wanted to be well and get on with making plans for having a wonderful Christmas.

Instead, I winded up nursing my cold and unable to help with preparations and all the many jobs that needed to be done.

God was not asking anything from me except to relax and allow my uncomfortable state to take its toll.

How easy it is to have ideas and plans of what God is asking of us. Yet, like the good Father that He is, He only wants us to be happy and respond to the inspirations that come our way each day.

How simple life would be if we could listen to the Gentle Voice that speaks to our hearts.

Being weak, just like the little baby Jesus, leaves room for God in our lives.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Astronomers teach us that the Earth is small compared to the Universe, just a little ball spinning around the Sun.

Then we look at the Earth and the billions of people who live on our planet and see that we are only a speck on the face of the Earth.

We are so small that it's hard to imagine how insignificant we are.

And yet, we are told that even for just one of us, Christ would have redeemed the world.

We may be beyond little, yet in the Eyes of God we are magnificent. We are part of His Creation, His Masterpiece.

Only Faith can teach us how to have an understanding of what all this means; God loves this little speck that is me!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Be kind to one another

When we look at the world at large, we can see many human faults. Even in ourselves there are many short-comings / steps we need to take to be free from pride and arrogance, or even stupidity.

One of the best forms of freedom is to be taken up with helping others. When we are kind to one another, we draw grace from Heaven.

God is so pleased by us when we respond to the invitations that come our way, so much so that He often steps in and guides us, intuitively.

The power that comes from kindness is the Power of God.

We become graced with His Presence, both in ourselves and those we are kind to.

Be kind, always

Monday, December 13, 2010


Perhaps none of us like to do Penance, to suffer, and yet it is often when we do 'violence' to ourselves that our peace of mind increases in leaps and bounds.

Penance is just another word for discipline.

Ask any successful athlete or business person and they will tell you that discipline is the key to their success. No pain / no gain!

To deprive ourselves of something / to do penance, makes us a stronger, better person.

Try it out today. Find someway to practise penance and see the immediate result. Be brave!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Most of our lives are lived in preparation for one thing or another.

If we are planning to go on a journey, then it becomes essential to be prepared.

Everything takes time, therefore time is precious.

Each one of us know that we will make a final journey. If we have faith and believe in the goodness of God, then we can look forward to Heaven.

The love we have for others will be our passport to a place where only Love exists.

Now is the time to reflect and consider how much we are motivated by love, and realise that's all that matters, to love.

Prepare now. Be 'heart' conscious.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


To value each moment is a great standard to have.

Lately, we are reminded of a way of being - mindfulness - which is a great help in putting value on all we do.

Being mindful is a given state of mind where we practise patience and awareness in all our actions and thoughts.

The saints of old spoke a lot about the practise of the Presence of God.

How mindful we would be if we had this awareness that God is present with us, always. We are never alone.

'I am with you, always, even to the end of the world.'

Saturday, December 4, 2010


When we are troubled we go to the One who helps us. We don't need to have answers or the gift of reading the future.

We simply need to trust that He who says, 'Abide in Me' will always be there for us.

This is a good test of our Faith, to believe that we are supported by Grace, and those we love are being looked after in the best possible way.

Suffering is difficult, yet suffering linked with Love is made possible.

Our Faith is tested, each day. Sometimes more than we expect.

Yet it is with Faith that we are able to Abide in Him who loves us.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It was a magical morning, walking to Mass in the snow.
Afterwards, we had a minor snowball fight, just like children. It was a time for having fun.

Now, looking out at the darkness and constant snow, I feel as a grown-up wondering about the danger of icy roads.

Yet, deep inside each one of us is that little child, more aware of fun than danger.

Being childlike doesn't make us reckless, simply positive and able to handle awkward situations with care and laughter.

So, how do we handle the challenge of the present moment ?

We can look for a solution and play the game of life, or bemoan the hardships we have to endure.

Life without a challenge would make us weak and dull, whereas the person who embraces the 'cross' becomes a happier and better person.

Snowed in? Keep a shovel handy!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Like a Child

Awhile ago, my brother Michael and wife,Goretti, visited me in the RDS with their grandchild, Annabelle.
I was so pleased to see her, such a beautiful child, and so interested in people and life (plus a special interest in bags!)
We had a cup together while she had her special baby-food, already prepared by mummy, Niamh.

I watched her watch us. She has such an intelligent mind, interested and able to focus on all that is happening around her. Annabelle is a great listener as she is learning both English and Belgium, so listening is more important to her than talking.

When the musicians began to play, she insisted on being out of her pram and as she watched them, she swayed to and fro to the beat of the music.

Did I hear a little hum? Maybe she'll be a singer too.

How wonderful it is to be a child, with an open and learning mind to take in all the love that is in this precious world of ours.

No wonder St. Therese spoke about spiritual childhood.

We learn from the best, especially the young and innocent, to be childlike.


Thursday, November 25, 2010


To live a positive life is dependent on how much we value peace of mind. We can survive / make do or we can live a life, full of positive steps.

Each day is an invitation to become a more rounded person; someone who is stepping forward in life and open to change.

Living a positive life means having a willingness to see beyond the immediate action / situation, whatever it might be.

We may not fully understand things that happen, yet if we are willing to relax and apply a positive solution to the situation, then answers will come. We will develop an enlightened mind.

A positive life is the way to true happiness!

Monday, November 22, 2010


On Sunday, I visited my family. One of my nephews, Eoin, is emigrating to Australia. He and a friend are going for one year to Perth.

This is a big adventure for him, moving away from family and friends, yet he can't wait to go.

We celebrated the family get-together with Mass, then back to the house for a feast of food and plenty of chatting.

Now and then I stood aside and admired this wonderful family of mine and all the efforts made to live a happy life.

We each go our separate ways in life, being aware of the calling that leads us to fulfillment. Our very differences are part of our unity.

May God bless us all.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Today is a good day for me to renew myself, to focus on what makes me a better person and learn to avoid all that would make me less.

Of course, to be able to renew ourselves and make changes, depends on how aware we are of our shortcomings and weaknesses.

Being weak is not a disadvantage, yet it can be a realisation of how imperfect we are. No need to worry. Nobody is perfect.

We all have flaws which can actually help us to be a better, more compassionate person.

When I become aware of my short-comings, then I learn to have more understanding and empathy with others when they fall short.

Renewal is all about facing the truth of who we are, without pretence.

If I am to be a better person, then I need help. And, who better to help me than He who loves me.

'I can do all things in Him who strengthens me'.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's such a lovely thing to be surprised; to receive a gift or a visit from a good friend etc.

Today was a surprise for me, beginning with a cold 3 degrees morning, then suddenly the sun came out and I enjoyed a lovely visit to Travelahawk beach. Basking in the sunshine I just closed my eyes and imagined it was the middle of summer.

When we look at everything that comes our way as coming from God's love, then we can be easily surprised and delighted with the gifts we receive.

Sometimes, our gifts can be wrapped in pain; not exactly what we want at this precise moment. Yet, just wait awhile and let God step in.

There is no one better at surprising us than He.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Positive Child

For most of us, the idea of being totally positive may well be a challenge, especially when things go wrong.

Yet, what better challenge could we be faced with. The positive minded person is imbued with a natural wisdom that allows them to be like a child, living in an adult world.

There is no end to the amount of things that we could worry about. So, why not turn things around and examine how many things can and will go right for us.

A wise person said that each problem contains its own solution.

If we are willing to take this literally, then we have an adventurous life ahead of us.

Let's be like children and make a game out of life. Pick out whatever we regard as a problem and allow time for the solution to come to mind.

When you think of it, time is the gift we have, and the best 'toy' to play with.

Let's be positive and let our inner child jump out and surprise us.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Count our Blessings

Perhaps it's only when we lose something, we begin to realise how blessed we are

The loss of my voice is so strange for me. When I had my cold I learned to relax and take it easy. Yet, having no voice makes me aware of how much I depend on it.

The simple act of using the phone has become a 'no-no'. Taking part in our daily, round-the-table discussions, only as a listener can be painful at times.

Doctor says laryngitis. Take a tablet and plenty of hot drinks. Hopefully it will come back, soon.

This is a good time to leave logic aside. The human body is so complex. Even scientists don't fully understand it's magnificence.

Our faith can carry us beyond our understanding and help us to become aware of how wonderful life is, based on the mechanics of the body. And, this is only the 'outside'.

If we could, with faith, glance inward to the majesty of the soul, made in the likeness of God, how blessed we would be indeed.

Often loss becomes a gain, especially when we take time out to count our blessings.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Since Tuesday, I have been without the proper use of my vocal cords; laryngitis, the doctor says. Relax and rest; could take another few days before I recover my voice.

So easy to panic when something happens that we are unaccustomed to; like an ache or pain in the middle of the night. For some reason we can imagine we are dying or at least fatally ill.

This is where the power of the positive comes into its own.

If we practise living a positive life, and believe in the power of focusing on good rather than bad, then we can relax and know that God is behind all that happens to us.

We may not know in the present moment why certain things happen, yet in the depths of our heart we do know we have nothing to fear.

If God appears to be silent, on the outside, be sure and certain that great things are happening on the inside.

Silence is golden.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today, being All Souls day, is a good day to ponder on our final journey. This will be when we say goodbye to the life we know on earth and move on to our heavenly home with God.

This may sound gloomy and yet, this is the greatest and most exciting journey of our lives.
We get the chance to be with the One who moves us, a Loving Creator who only cares for our well-being.

At times it can appear to be an unreality to think about death, about leaving the ones we love, and moving on.

Maybe that's why we sometimes cling to what we know and become afraid of change.

For the spiritually-minded person, death is only a passing to a better life where happiness and love is found in abundance.

We often hear the expression, Let go, and Let GOD...

Perhaps this is what it's all about, letting go.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

God's Presence

We have a commandment to love our neighbour, whoever they may be,
because we are all made in the image and likeness of God.

When I am kind to you, it is God I love. When you are kind to me, God is the recipient.

Why is this?

The answer is more simple than we may realise. Present in each one of us is the Presence of God. Often we only see 'skin-deep' and fail to experience this wonderful aspect of God, living in us.

We gain an awareness of how and why some people are able to be heroic, able to put others before their own needs, even to the extent of giving up their lives for others.

So,simply put, when we love we open our heart and soul to God's Presence, in ourselves and others.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


A positive-minded person is one who is open to change. This means having a willingness to embrace each new day, positively, whatever challenges may come our way.

When we have a a positive disposition we blot out the negative and allow our creative mind to guide us. Therefore, intuitively we do what is best for us and those around us.

Of course, we don't suddenly become totally positive. There is a certain amount of work to be done, as we are aptly told, 'Enough to the day is the evil thereof'.

So, a simple protection to any form of negativity comes about when we 'let go', give up all pre-conceived ideas and opinions. Most important of all is to ignore any feelings of fear.

We owe it to ourselves to grow in becoming a more positive person, someone who is able to step away from the dark side and walk in the light.

'I am the LIGHT of the world. Follow Me.'

Friday, October 22, 2010


To have a gentle heart is dependent on how tuned in we are to the present moment and the inspirations we receive.

A gentle heart is one that focuses on people and has awareness of the individual needs that each person may have.

Only God knows how weak, or strong, another person is. We can only surmise by 'reading' with our heart.

Therefore, if we have a gentle heart we will be able to respond with love to the needs of others. This is also a way of responding to our own needs.

Love begets love.

A gentle heart is open to God's Loving Will, now and always.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Most of us have certain goals; places we want to go to / things we want to accomplish etc. And this is good.

Whatever works to get us out of bed and up and doing, is a positive state to be in. Yet, maybe we can examine what it is we are interested in and find out if it's the best that we can be.

If I want to be a pop star and spend all my time and resources aimed at that goal, it would be good for me to find out first if I can sing!

The same applies for most interests we have, to find out first if this if the very best for us.

A spiritually-minded person will have a structured way of knowing the best for them, in focusing on God's Will, and what God is inviting one to do each day.

Whatever makes us happy and lovable is usually a good indication of what is best for us. If we are happy in our job whatever it might be, then we are doing our best. As soon as we become unhappy, then we know it's time to move on, or find out if we are meant to be doing things differently.

Time changes us and the happy person will be able and willing to change.

We owe it to ourselves to be the best we can be.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


The ability to have confidence in ourselves is very much related to our belief system.

When I am confident, I know it's because I believe I am loved by God. This love helps me to realise my potential as a person, and also makes me aware of how important it is to love.

A confident person is able and willing to reach out to others. There is no fear of criticism; no fear of being undermined by the weaknesses of others. And also, no fear of one's own weaknesses.

Confidence springs from the faith we have. A truly confident person is positive and well able to bring good out of all that happens.

Confidence is the key to a happy life.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


The opportunity came my way to spend a week with friends on the island of Skiathos in Greece.

This was my first introduction to Greek culture. We visited many of the splendid monasteries on the island, enjoying a glimpse into traditional Greek Orthodox religion.

The Chapels are very ornate and beautifully decorated with icons depicting Christ and the blessed virgin and the saints.

I was especially impressed with an icon of the Virgin mother, laced with silver and bearing an appealing smile. However when I tried to capture the image on my phone, I was cautioned not to do so.

I can well understand the Orthodox priests who have thousands of tourists coming their way every summer. They are polite, always, and for women who might forget to dress in a manner suitable for attending Church, they provide lovely colourful shawls.

Now that I am home again, I appreciate our open churches with Mass provided daily, at most churches.

Religion can be a form of art, yet Art will never replace religion.

Monday, September 27, 2010


A patient person is one who makes room for God in their life.
Patience teaches us how to relax and use all that comes our way for a good purpose, trusting that God is in charge of us / guiding us / helping us along the way.

When we are patient we learn how to avail of the present moment. We become strong in our belief in God, and in ourselves.

One person on their own can be weak. One person walking with God is powerful beyond measure.

This is the choice we make when we practise patience. We choose the mind of God instead of being a victim to our own weaknesses and fears.

Be strong / be patient!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


To be generous is a great attitude to have, because it enlarges the heart and leaves us open to love.

A generous person is one who has awareness of others, aware of how much love comes their way. This leads to having a generous heart, wanting to measure up to the amount of love that is received.

When we are generous, we are free to forget about ourselves and become interested in others / interested in life.

In fact, the person who is generous receives more than they could ever give.

Such is the nature of God. We cannot measure up to just how generous He is with all of us.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


There is a quality that most people possess, the ability to appreciate the 'gifts' that come their way.

For me, appreciation has become a way of life, a reminder that I am supported by grace and an awareness that God is showing me, in so many ways, how much He loves me.

It's easy to lose appreciation for all that is done for us. Just one moment of feeling we are not appreciated, can blind us to the truth that we are constantly receiving from God, through others.

We walk down the street and someone smiles and says hello. This is appreciation / a recognition of who we are.

We are invited to respond and show our appreciation. A circle of goodness is formed and expands out to all we meet.

This awareness of being appreciated and showing our appreciation for others will keep love alive in our lives.

Friday, September 10, 2010


We live in a world of logic, and yet the logic of the world would seem to lead to chaos..?

Perhaps we are trying to put 'the cart before the horse'.

When we are centred and at peace with ourselves, we are in a state of truth. We are guided by our faith, and not by our logical mind.

Logic says we must put ourselves first and look after ourselves and protect ourselves from danger.

Faith teaches us to put God first, and so we learn to care for our neighbours for the love of God. We open our heart to LOVE and so become a happy, loving person.

No doubt there is a logic of faith that teaches us to have balance in our lives, yet above all else we need to love and be loved.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Part of human nature is the fact that we often mis-understand each other. It can be that what we believe to be true is only an aspect of the truth.

What one person is convinced of may well be the opposite to what another sees as truthful. So, we need help to live a life that reflects the Truth.

This is where our relationship with God guides us to see beyond ourselves.

Christ says, 'I am with you, always.'

When we pray and turn our hearts to God, we receive the grace to see what is truthful. We are given the ability to step away from ourselves and open our hearts to love.

We can only understand each other when we look with love / speak with love / think with love.

With GOD / LOVE we will have an understanding heart.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Make time for friends

Anyone who has a friend will tell you how important it is to make time for those we care about.
I have a good friend who lives not so far from me, yet often we don't see each other for weeks on end. Our relationship consists of letter-cards and texts and the occasional phone-call.

This is a definite sign to remind one that time is needed with the person. Give up texting for a little while, and store those handy letter-cards away.

Either get up on a bike or borrow a car or take a train or bus. Whatever it takes, do it. Meet the persons who we care about and put value into our friendship with them.

Life is short, and definitely too short to miss out on one of the most treasured gifts we can have, a genuine friend!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


In this busy world of ours, it's so easy to become impatient. We believe we need something NOW. Yet, do we?
A patient person is one who is able to relax and see with a logical mind that often what we desire now, in this present moment, can so easily wait.
A few minutes / time to chill out, can save our peace of mind and help us to focus on what to do.

What is most important is to do God's Will.

This puts all things in perspective.

It could be that what I want, is God's will for that moment, OR it could be that what my neighbour wants is more in line with God's will.

This is where patience comes into its own.

The patient person will have no trouble in discerning God's Will!

Monday, August 23, 2010


Strange how easily we can forget about weakness and the value of loving a state of weakness, then suddenly we are made weak.
So how do we deal with weakness, and why is weakness so important in our lives?

Perhaps the answer lies in the very opposite of weakness, which is strength.

We need strength just to get up in the morning and follow through with our daily activities. Yet, what kind of strength do we need?

St. Paul said, 'When I am weak, then I am strong.'

This is the secret of weakness...

When I am weak, I can call on the strength of God. He will never fail me.

When I feel strong, perhaps all I can do is depend on myself.

For me, the Strength of God is what I want, so therefore my love for weakness opens me to help from He who loves me.

My weakness becomes my strength!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Yesterday, 15th August, we celebrated the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

Mary was chosen because of her humility and holiness to become the mother of Christ / mother of God.

To understand all this may not come easily to an un-spiritual mind, yet the role of a mother can be easily understood.

Mary's place in the world today is always portrayed as that of a caring mother, looking out for her children.

I accept and believe that Mary plays the role of Mother of the whole world, for those who believe, and for those who don't believe.

This makes good sense as no mother turns away from her children, even if they turn away from her.

The world we live in has great needs. Who better to help than Mary.

This is Mary's world!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


There are times when we hear about people dying; friends who not so long ago were out and about, just like ourselves.

They had places they wanted to go / things they wanted to do / family they wanted to stay with etc. just like us.

Now they are no more a part of the living, human race.

The religious mind would say they are gone to heaven / united with the God who loves them.

For the family and friends left behind, this may not comfort them.

They have lost the presence of someone they love. A loving embrace will no longer be shared in this life.

Yet, God is good. The very absence of a loved one will help us to focus on the reality of life and death.

Have we a role to play? Have we found our purpose in life?

If so, let us be bold and courageous in fulfilling whatever is our destiny.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Often, when we are inclined to get stressed out about something, people will say, 'relax'.

Of course, this is the answer to stress, yet how does one switch on to being relaxed?

Well, one of the easiest ways is to 'let-go' of all thoughts and feelings that may lead to unrest. The simple response is, all is well, all is love

This mantra can be a saving grace...

All is well, all is LOVE!

Friday, August 6, 2010


There is a world of difference between wanting to do something and being able to do it.

This is where a little wisdom comes into play and we learn to know what enables us to succeed at what we want to do.
Of course, our belief system has a lot to do with the wisdom we receive. If we are living by our beliefs then we will be able to discern what is right,
and what is wrong. This is the kernel of wisdom.

So, what do we truly believe in?

Are we faithful to our beliefs?

How do we hone in on the wisdom of Truth, the wisdom of God?

Simply put, what enables us/me to be true to ourselves/myself is the big question.

When we have the answer, we have wisdom.

Monday, July 26, 2010


To have a positive spirit depends on how willing we are to accept what comes our way, each moment.

There are times when we are receiving a lot. This can be embarrassing as we may well feel we do not deserve to receive so much.

St. Therese put it well when she said, 'To receive so much and to do so little, this is my martyrdom...'

Other times, God will invite us to be gracious when we might want to give out and vent our annoyance etc. Yet, these little incidents are like gems / precious jewels that will help us to discipline ourselves and so put love first.

Each day will bring opportunities to be grateful, or to be gracious. The choice is ours, and the more we respond positively, the stronger we become in having a positive spirit.

This is the Jewel of inner strength.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Life is made up of many opportunities to enjoy ourselves; to take time out and savour the gift of the present moment.

At times, we become busy and forget to make the most of what is happening now. Whatever work we are doing, or occupied with, takes precedent and so our values change from being a happy person to someone who is occupied with achieving success.

God does not intend for us to 'mend' the world. He is simply happy for us to enjoy the gift of life He has given us.

So, where does this desire of achievement come from ?

Surely, God wants us to make the most of our lives and develop ourselves?

The person who is able and willing to enjoy life will be the person who achieves most out of being who they are, a child of God / someone who is blessed with happiness and peace.

Enjoy the gift of life!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Change happens whether we like it or not. We learn new things / we grow older and hopefully wiser.

So, it would seem to be a good idea to move with changes that happen in our lives. Learn to let go of old habits and things, and open our hearts to new ways and new happenings.

God invites us constantly, to wake up and listen to the Gentle Whisperings of His Divine Voice, prompting us to change our ways and become a better person, someone who is moved by Grace rather than personal desires.

Do we listen? Can we change? Do we want to?

Everything depends on our good will, and our ability to respond to Love.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Of a Spiritual Mind

Life and living in general can move so fast. We have plans / good intentions / ideals to live up to, and yet we may find ourselves wanting... lacking in the motivation and energy to move forward.

So, what can we do? Is there an answer?

For myself, I find a solution in going back to 'basics'. There is an ordinary, human approach to life, and there is an 'extra' ordinary way of living our lives.

We do this by allowing ourselves to relax and respond to the gift of faith that teaches us how to be in contact with God.

People have different ideas and images of God, yet this does not change the truth that God is the Creator of ALL.

My little mind won't take me very far, yet my faith in the goodness of God can and will place me on mountain tops.

When I am of a spiritual mind, then I possess the wonder and majesty of God.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Everything we do gains value by the amount of love we put into what we do.

A truly creative person will put 'heart and soul' into their creative work and that is what draws people to admire and feel love for it.

All relationships depend on the depth of the love invested; on just how much we are willing to love one another.

Words cannot describe love, yet each of us has an understanding of love, beyond our understanding.

No wonder it is so difficult to understand God's love for us; a love with no limits. This can explain in a small way, why we are so attracted to the spiritual life. We are drawn to God like metal is drawn to a magnet.

The only pain in our relationship with God is our lack of love.

To be loved without measure and not to be able to respond likewise.

This is the price we pay for God's love for us.


Saturday, July 3, 2010


There are times when we are asked to wait for others / wait for inspiration / wait for suffering to pass by / wait for peace to return etc.
It is a humbling situation to be in, just to wait, patiently.
This is a good training for us in allowing God to come to us. We might want to jump in and take control and yet it is at these very moments in our lives that we can be close to God, more than ever before.

Wait patiently; let our souls walk with God, at His pace and not ours.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Being human, we are laced with emotions of all kinds. When we are happy our emotions lead to joy / when we are sad we feel down-hearted.
Yet, truth is, we are just the same person. Nothing has changed except our emotions.
This could be a result of a change in the weather, or a change in our diet. Or, perhaps someone we like said hello to us and so we are 'over the moon'. Our emotional state is heightened, and if the opposite happens, then we are enveloped in sadness.

Dear Lord, how frail you have made us, and yet this is our greatest help in becoming united with You.
When I am weak, then I am strong. My emotions are like a good friend that helps me to know my need for God.

Monday, June 28, 2010


The Bible tells us that there is a time for sorrow / time for joy / time to live / time to die.

Perhaps for most of us, time is an elusive 'thing' that we spend our lives chasing after, and wondering how to catch up.

This running after time can lead to worry and stress. No matter what we do, we may feel we have not done enough.

And, yet God is so patient with each one of us. He gives us life and time to spend our lives wisely.

Then a time comes when we are called on to face God and account for the time we have spent here on earth.

Will we be able to give a good account of our lives?

Have we given enough time to prayer and the awareness of God?

Have we dealt wisely with the ups and downs that are part and parcel of our lives?

Time is running out... think wisely / act wisely. Above all, love!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We live in such an interesting world, surrounded by opportunities to develop ourselves and become better than we are.
This is a good thing, and yet it can happen that we lose sight of what is most important, our relationship with our Creator.
To keep our eyes on God means that we put all things in perspective; our ability to be true to ourselves and honest with others.
What is most important in life is a loving relationship with He who loves us.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's important to stretch / to reach beyond our grasp, if possible.

When we exercise, stretching helps us to limber up and free any stiffness in our limbs.

When we aim at reaching beyond our grasp, we face our need for more than who we are. We become aware of Divine Energy.

This wonderful Source of Energy is at our finger-tips, every moment of our lives. Let's stretch / reach out and allow the Power of God to fill our lives.

We are 'the captain of our ship'. Our progress is up to us.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


On Saturday, 12-6-2010, we celebrated a be-lated Birthday Party for my sister Mairead. She was seventy last January.
The event took place in my cousin, Carmel's home in Dublin. The house was packed with mothers and little ones, so many little ones.

We were all thrilled with the wonderful, generous efforts my cousin and family went to, bringing us all together.

I was fascinated by the little ones; unique personalities from one to seven years. They played their games and made their presence felt in such a positive manner.

I did my best to join in, yet most of the time I was in study-mode, watching God's greatest gift, the gift of life, unfold before my eyes.

In the spiritual life we are encouraged to live in the present moment and live life to the full, taking into account those around us.

Well, these little ones do just that, each moment, each day.

No wonder Our Lord said, 'Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.'

Allow time to study and learn how to be just like these little ones.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Reach for the Stars!

There is a fine line between those who follow inspiration, and those who live in a world of dreams, never quite keeping their feet on the ground.

We need to dream, to let go of what we know and reach for the unknown, yet with a little caution and common sense.

The inspirations that come to us from God are positive and encouraging. We feel able and willing to go beyond our natural capacities, believing that we have an 'Inner Strength' guiding and helping us.

Alone, we can be led astray and lose our perspective on what is right and noble and what will lead us closer to God.

If God is by our side, then we have nothing to fear. We can reach for the stars and believe we are already there!