On Saturday, 12-6-2010, we celebrated a be-lated Birthday Party for my sister Mairead. She was seventy last January.
The event took place in my cousin, Carmel's home in Dublin. The house was packed with mothers and little ones, so many little ones.
We were all thrilled with the wonderful, generous efforts my cousin and family went to, bringing us all together.
I was fascinated by the little ones; unique personalities from one to seven years. They played their games and made their presence felt in such a positive manner.
I did my best to join in, yet most of the time I was in study-mode, watching God's greatest gift, the gift of life, unfold before my eyes.
In the spiritual life we are encouraged to live in the present moment and live life to the full, taking into account those around us.
Well, these little ones do just that, each moment, each day.
No wonder Our Lord said, 'Unless you become like little children, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.'
Allow time to study and learn how to be just like these little ones.