Sunday, November 29, 2009


Today is one of those wet, dark days when one is glad to curl up in a comfy sofa and relax. The brave ones tog out for the rain, and march off to watch the waves crashing along the pier. The power of the sea is so fascinating to watch, and yet for me, I'm happy to stay indoors.
I watch a silly movie on the television and enjoy the comfort of a hot cup of tea. Still, my mind is alert and awake to the adventure of 'new' happenings / new experiences.

Perhaps the soul resembles the innocence of a child who is delighted with a spirit of adventure. A wild sea is like a friendly monster who wants to grab at us and play, just like the mind of God, teasing us out to play and be childlike with Him.

We make choices. There is a time for rest and relaxation, and a time for adventure. Tune into your heart and find out what God has in store for you.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To be of Service

Perhaps there is a stigma affiliated to being a 'servant', a person who serves others. If that is the case, then we are in deep trouble.

A lot of the good things that happen to us come about because of our willingness to be of service. It might be in small things; giving a neighbour a lift / baby-sitting for a young couple / visiting someone we know who is in Hospital etc.

So many ways are available to us to be of service. Many people become volunteers in the various Charitable Organisations found in communities and parishes.

There is almost an overflow of good will available, if it can be 'tapped into'. Some of us might be embarrassed to step up and offer our services / others are more than willing to put themselves 'out there' for others.

The great benefit of serving is the freedom one receives from oneself. Perhaps a cure for depression? as one man stated to me. His wife had died and he was not in the best of health. Depression set in very quickly. Then an idea came to him to offer his services. No more depression.

Thomas Merton wrote a great book called 'No man is an island'. He states how we have need for one another, just to exist as a human being

And, for the spiritual mind, Christ has asked us to love one another, as He has loved us.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Most, if not all of us, have a creative potential that is almost dormant. We want to be creative. We may even dream about being creative, yet the reality of our creative endeavours will be found in the efforts we make to follow our passions / follow what we love to do.

Perhaps it's music / painting / sports / writing. Whatever we feel in our hearts, this is our God-given talent to be embraced and developed.
God loves us very much and desires for us to be happy. One of the tangible ways of experiencing this tremendous Love will be found in our creative mind.

Ask! What do I love? Reflect, quietly for a little while.

The answer will come and so will an overflow of peace and happiness.

Listen to the Voice inside. Respond willingly, lovingly.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Today is All Saints Day and so a day for pondering on what it takes to become a saint.

On reading the lives of the saints, I find a pattern in their lives. Even though they were so different / so original, they all had a sincere love for God. This love inspired them to develop a friendship with God, someone that He could rely on to do His Will.

Am I such a person? Are you such a person? And, how do we go about becoming God's friend?

The answer would seem to be more simple than we can imagine, by asking ourselves, how do we develop a friendship with another person?

The basic principle of friendship is interest, a genuine interest in another person separate from the natural interest we have in ourselves.

My faith teaches me that God loves me. This I believe, yet there is a created need in me to love God and be concerned with His wishes.

What does He ask of us?

"Love one another, even as I love you"

This is the secret of sainthood, to love always.