Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I was feeling a little low and out of sorts. Somehow the sunny side of life was absent. Then I met a friend.
He greeted me, warmly. He was interested and glad to see me. We spoke for a few minutes before parting.
However, I was and felt different. I was happy and able to see the sunny side of life, even without sunshine.
In a spiritual context, I had met the Face of God.
Perhaps this is true for most of us. We meet the presence of God in each other.

And, because God loves us infinitely, the effect of meeting Him in each other is powerful. We are lifted out of ourselves and united with Love.
This is the power of friendship, of being a good friend. We represent God’s love to each other, knowing we are loved and able to love.
When I see the Face of God in others, I can be sure they are seeing the Face of God in me.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Enjoy life NOW!

It occurred to me the other day how important it is to pray,
to make morning aspirations.

We probably all have different methods. For some of us it’s the traditional morning offering and morning prayers - an awareness of God’s presence and having an ‘alive’ relationship with Him.

Others may be drawn to positive affirmations, a method of abolishing all negative thoughts and worries.

Whatever method we like to use will be the one that opens us to a positive respect and appreciation for the joy of living.
It’s so easy to lose this appreciation for life. We know we must always have respect for others, yet often the person we may lack respect for is ourselves.
Do we begin the day in a mad rush to get somewhere? Have we no time to say hello - give or receive a hug - answer a question, politely - give way on the road?
So many little things are forgotten about or overlooked when we neglect to have time for ourselves, and for each other. The awful truth - for one of us, this will be the beginning of our last day. There won’t be a tomorrow. There won’t be time to say sorry - to change - to love.

Time is so precious and yet we can often behave as though it was limitless.
For the spiritual mind, there is an after-life - a bond between this world and the next where minds can still communicate, yet we no longer will have the ability for hugs and kisses and shared laughter.
NOW is the best time for appreciating the joy of living!

Monday, October 13, 2008


I wonder, in this new-age world we live in , do we forget to have a heart - to care for each other?

It’s so easy to glide through life with blinkers on, seeing only what we want to see and being involved totally with our own interests. Granted, these interests may incorporate our immediate family and friends. That’s good. At least we’re reassured of not being totally self-centred, yet there is a big world out there and a lot of needy people.

We can reach out a helping hand - perhaps to our immediate community? As soon as we remove the blinkers, we will be amazed at how much can be done. If each one of us is willing to do a little extra, it will mean so much.
Have a heart!
Let’s open our eyes and allow ourselves to develop a deeper and happier lifestyle!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I have a friend, a good person, whose life is centred on God. Sometimes,, my lack of thought acts like sandpaper on my friend’s sensitive nature and vice versa. To placate pride and return to love, a healing must take place.

A kind thought - a kind word - a kind act will soothe and soften ruffled pride and before we know it, we are on the path of love again.

Don’t listen to the ‘friend’ who tells you to assert yourself and guard your pride. Instead, listen to yourself - the inner person - your true self. The presence of wisdom - the Holy Spirit - is living in the INNER PERSON.

Monday, October 6, 2008


The majority of us have been spoiled with one of the greatest riches in life - a mother’s love. Whether we live in a concrete jungle or the back of beyond; we have, or had, a treasure in the guidance and love from our mothers.
I wonder does the modern wife know the great power she has and the wonderful tradition she becomes part of, in becoming a mother. This in no way belittles the status and role of the father of the family. He is the backbone, the one who takes on a great responsibility to care for and guide young minds, yet the mother is the heart of the family. She is the inspiration that helps everybody to reach out and fulfill their dreams.
In our modern society we may forget the value of family life. It’s a huge responsibility to take on, becoming a parent - becoming a mother. A good role model will help.
For me, there is no better role model than our Lady. Imagine God loving us so much that He would share His Mother with us. In Lourdes - in Fatima - in Poland; in so many places all over the world.
God knows the value of true MOTHERHOOD. Do we?

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Years ago, when I worked for a large firm, I would do my day’s work and then go home. If work-problems appeared, the boss would delegate people to look after things. Most times, a little overtime, and putting heads together, solved everything. We were a contented bunch of people, happy with our pay and happy with our home-life.
It seems today, a lot of people’s work and home-life are intertwined. Pressure is applied to get more work into each day than time allows, so stress escalates and shoddy work is usually the result. An unhappy worker cannot produce a good day’s work.
A lot of honesty is needed, both from employers and employees. If a boss is under pressure to produce bigger and better profits; or if an employee is over-ambitious, then stress will be the result, and work results will suffer.
The solution? Seems silly to even have to say it, yet I believe FAITH is the answer. We, each one of us, have a BOSS whose wisdom will inspire us to always come up with a WIN/WIN solution. We may not earn enough for that smashing new car, or exotic holiday, yet we will be happy people. Our contentment will grow and we will learn again to enjoy the simple things of life.