I only had the chance to meet her twice - when she came to Wicklow, and when she departed from Wexford. Both occasions were special for me. I was happy to renew our friendship and what words couldn’t say, our hearts said.
I look on Therese as a friend - someone to confide in. I can share with her my joys and worries, my dreams and secrets. Whenever the sunny side of life is clouded over by negativity, even these times of darkness can be shared with a spiritual friend..
Although I call St. Therese of Lesieux ( the Little Flower) my special friend, she has developed friendships with thousands - perhaps millions - of people.
If you are interested in having a spiritual friend, then St. Therese is a good choice. She has promised to spend her heaven doing good on earth. Talk to her - ask her. The word NO is not in her vocabulary.