Being in Control of one's life is essential if we are to make progress in developing our Creative self. It would seem to be an easy thing to do, yet it requires a certain deliberation on our part to control ALL of ourselves, especially the hidden recesses of our EGO.
There are some people who believe our EGO is a special trait of our personality... NOT so. Our ego is centred on being important. The Truth is found in realising our spiritual self which aims at loving creatively. We don't have to be another Mozart or Renoir, we just need to be original, our true selves.
Perhaps we can learn a lot from children, and how authentic they are when behaving in a normal manner, and how un-natural they become when trying to be what they are not. A spoilt child may put on an act to get attention and the same applies to a 'spoilt' adult.
If we are 8 years old, or eighty, we must be authentic. Even if fearful, the challenge must be addressed, and become fearless. If we are constantly in a hurry, we need to slow down. This is where CONTROL becomes the best friend we can have, so we can be free to be ourselves.