Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Timing is so important, the right time to speak / to be quiet / to respond to the care of another, or not.
People can be so private and yet what unites us all is love.
No wonder the saints looked on God as the oracle of love / God is Love.
When we open our hearts to loving and caring, then we move and are moved in a way that gives time to what is the right thing to do.
Our understanding may not know and yet our hearts will respond to what is right because we are moved by love.
Was is St. Augustine who said, 'Love and do as you will.'
What a strange thing for a saint to say and yet what wisdom is contained is that very statement.
Perhaps the only condition that is needed in this wonderful and yet suffering world of ours is the ability to respond to Love. 
When love dictates, our timing will be spot on and we will be moved by He who loves us.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


To be a compassionate person is not always easy, in fact it can be difficult at times.
What creates  difficulties is our attachment to ourselves / our opinions / our specific way of doing things or saying things which can be so opposite to how others say and do things.
This is not a problem really if we are willing to be open to understanding, yet even more so, open to loving.
Understanding is good enough at times, yet can also be why we are at variance with others.
When we are willing to love we learn to go beyond our understanding and our own opinions. 
We learn to enter into the world of another person.
Such a blessing this is, to be able to come away from ourselves for the sake of love.
When we look at the life of Christ who had perfect understanding and imbued with the Spirit of God, we can see the benefit of going beyond the human and seeking out the soul of another person.
Compassion is the fruit of loving / of caring / of stepping away from ourselves for the sake of Love.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


The person who is able to be grateful, no matter what, is rich indeed.
When we think of the reality of how much we are spoiled / spoiled with good friends / spoiled with health / spoiled with life and more especially, spoiled with the gift of Faith.
How could we not be grateful?
Perhaps there is a blind spot in each of our lives where we only see what we want to see, and so we are like someone who has lost the vision of sight, we are blind.
I can only imagine what it must be like to be unable to see / to be surrounded by darkness and left dependent on the sight of others.  It would indeed be an affliction and yet, often we may find ourselves living in a world of darkness because we don't want to see.  
We may want to fool ourselves and be guided by our selfish pride which is blind to reality.
If this should happen to us, then we can only pray for guidance and have the good will to accept the advise and help  that comes from good friends.
God is the Light of the world.  It's not God's intention that anyone should live in darkness.
The secret of having spiritual vision is based on our ability to be grateful to all that comes our way, even those things that hurt and cause pain.
A good Father will protect His children, yet He will also allow them to experience pain for the sake of Truth so we can be healed.
Gratitude is the key to happiness.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Home coming

My friend, Paul and I will be on our way home from Gran Canaria tomorrow, 14/3/2017.
It has been a long and fruitful trip for me, learning about myself and relationship with others etc.
What is especially of value is my relationship with God.
Had I begun to lose my Faith. Could it be possible for someone who enjoys going to daily Mass to somehow fall away from the core of one's believes?
I realise now that Faith is like a living organ that needs to be exercised a lot.
A living Faith is based on becoming a loving person, willing to respond to God's Will in each day of our lives. Perhaps a good help is to recognise the Presence of God in each and every person we have contact with.
After all, a true relationship is based on love in practise. God is Love!